Cmovies Free Online Bombshell

Year: 2019
audience score: 56048 vote
synopsis: A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network
Runtime: 109M
Country: USA, Canada
Jay Roach




This movie is much ado about nothing.

These three has good chemistry! ✨.
She is just so goddamn cool. Like, casually walking away from an explosion in slow motion in a leather jacket while putting on sunglasses level cool.

Charlize was so scared 😂😂😂.
This is Business Insider’s best interviewer.
I would like to see more clips with discussion over Bombshell and how this movie and discussion around can change the silent. It will be remarkable movie with such devoted to characters cast. Congrats.
Dayum. Thats cray cray.
I seriously don’t get the accusations I thought this was normal for a no talent woman that just reads from a teleprompter in the good old USA.
The sad thing is that the women who brought about this with Fox News will STILL vote for Trump. Ugh.


Suggest you watch the full movie Scandale in good quality hd 720.
Those men are Narcissists. monsters.
And that’s how you make a trailer.
I dare you to overthrow president trump inside washington d c.
Me: What is Betty Cooper doing in a strip club? Sister: Looking for the real Gargoyle king.
Wow, this is just like The Hand That Rocks The Cradle. There won’t be a happy ending for Roger Ailes.

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